Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A Character A Day: Advanced Marvel Super Heroes ULTIMATE POWERS

 So, when I was thinking about what kind of character I wanted to create today, I thought I would go a little left field. I used to love Advanced Marvel Super Heroes RPG put out by TSR. I know we didn't play it a ton, and when we did, it was usualy playing pregenerated characters (as my friends and I were all comic book kids). However, I spent a TON of time making up unique super villians, and when I got my hands on the Ultimate Powers Book (which I had to buy at a Kay Bee Toys on one of the family visits to the US, because nobody in Winnipeg seemed to carry anything for Advanced MSH), I was in my nirvana. So, I thought I would open up the UPB and create a super hero. I might even open up the Book of Magic supplement later on, and make a magical character.

Anyways, let's give this a shot!

I am going to follow the character creation guidelines in the UPB, which differ slightly from those found in the boxed Advanced MSH rules.

First step: generate physical form.

Okay, the random percentile dice generator gives us a 53. Modified Human - Skeletal. Ooooo.... interesting. +1 CS to Resistance to Physical attacks, 1 less power, and contact should have something to do with the skeletal modifications. Okay, I like it so far.

Second step: generate origin of power

This time, we get a 66. Biological exposure. Hmmmm.... so, something biological caused his skeletal system to be modified. Not sure where this is going yet, but I have some ideas.

Third step: generate primary abilities

First, I had to consult Dragon #122, which had the errata for the UPB, because the original failed to tell me which column I roll on when determining primary abilities. Once I figured out that I use column 1, I was good to go!

FIGHTING - Poor 3 (rolled a 9)

AGILITY - Amazing 46 (rolled a 97!)

STRENGTH - Excellent 16 (rolled a 58)

ENDURANCE - Typical 5 (rolled a 12)

REASON - Excellent 16 (rolled a 42)

INTUITION - Incredible 36 (rolled an 86)

PSYCHE - Good 8 (rolled a 29)

Hmmm, so he's a lover, not a fighter. Otherwise, I am starting to see some ideas take shape. High Agility and Strength... so apparently, whatever biological exposure this character has had, it appears to have vastly improved his musculature and skeletal strength. 

Fourth step: generate secondary abilities

This just entails doing some addition. So, Health is 70. Karma is 60. We'll worry about Resources and Popularity later.

Fifth step: generate weakness

Okay, now we are getting to the nitty gritty. We get a roll of 22, which gives us a Molecular Allergy. Rolling again, we get a 40, which gives us Power Negation, and our final roll of  32 gives us a duration of Continuous with Contact.So, whenever I am within 20 feet of the stimulus, my powers do not function, and I have a -1CS every ten turns to my Primary Abilities until everything become Typical. Let's see what the powers are before I decide what limits them.

Sixth step: generate powers

Okay, let's do it! I get one less power, so a roll of 67 means 6 initial powers (I assume it means six, since it actually says 2, but the number of initial powers keep increasing by one every level on the table, so going from 5 to 2 to7 seems wrong) dropped down to 5, and a maximum of 8. A 38 means I start with 1 talent, and have a maximum of 6, and a final roll of 7 means I start with no contacts, and a maximum of 2. (That might have to get changed).

I think I had better roll Resources now, since I might need to spend some. So, they start at Typical, as modified by a roll on the Ability Modifier Table in the main rulebook. I roll a 68, giving me Increase by 1 Rank, so my resources start out at Good. I am immediately going to lower my Resources back down to Typical, and add a Contact.

So, 5 powers! Let's see what I get! I roll twice for each power, to get it's Class and Category! 

73 --> Physical Enhancement, 39 --> Hyper-Speed

40 --> Magic, 21 --> Magic Control (double slot)

64 --> Mental Enhancement, 46 --> Hyper-Invention

15 --> Energy Control, 99 --> Vibration Control

43 --> Matter Control, 88 --> Weather

Well..... if THAT isn't a cat's breakfast of powers. I can see three of those working together, but the Magic and Matter Control do not fit at ALL. So, let's look and see if there are any Optional or Bonus powers that I can take to dump those other two...

Well.... looking through the options, I see that Vibration Control has some optional powers, like Vibration, and that has the optional power of Sonic Generation. I am starting to get a picture in my head. So.... I am going to keep Vibration Control. I am going to dump the Magic power for Vibration. I am going to keep Hyper-Speed, and dump Matter control in favor of Sonic Generation.

Wow... this is taking longer than I thought! I think I will stop here for the night, then tomorrow I will pick up with trying to piece together these powers into something workable. thank you for your patience!

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